Elevate execution of your strategy

There had never been a simple process for executing strategy…until now!

Once your strategy is ‘finalized’ and your focus shifts to execution, Parallel gives your team a simple, standardized, turnkey process to elevate their execution of your strategy.

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Replace the overwhelm of task lists with clear, refined goals

Be confident in the ultimate purpose for you, your team, and your company

Clarify your priorities so you can be agile

Be nimble and proactive as situations change

Measure progress, not workload

Feel like you’re moving toward an end goal, not just ticking off tasks

You are in good company


Eliminate waste of energy & resources

Elevate execution for any & all critical business functions

Parallel provides a standard process for executing critical business functions in a synergistic, unified platform.

Simplify and standardize team execution

Only focus on what matters. Put your passions into action, love your job, and contribute to a better future for yourself, your customers, and your team.

What people are saying?

“We always talk about connecting strategy and execution - but it is often just that, talk. Parallel is a completely new approach that, at last, makes it real.”

Steve Towers - CEO & Founder, BP Group

Elevate team execution for every part of your strategy

Eliminate work silos and stay in sync across functions in real time. Make everyone more informed and more productive.


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Elevate Execution of Your Budget: Parallel ‘Use Case’
Your Budget is set along with your strategy, and success now depends on execution.  What if you could focus your team’s execution – their daily communication and collaboration – directly on achieving your Budget? So that zero energy and resources would be wasted? If your team’s daily execution isn’t directly connected to your Budget, your […]

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Feel the full power of purpose

You track all your goals and keep your customers up-to-date. All at one glance and at your fingertips.

Christian Widmer
Process Excellence Leader

It is about time we streamline the way we work together to get things done. Parallel is the first-aid kit for every team when your business is paralysed without focus.

João Guimarães
CEO MWERT Consultoria, Projetos e Gestão

Breaking down silos is one of the most important yet most difficult things any company can do...with Parallel, it doesn’t seem so hard any more.

James Dodkins
Customer Experience Rockstar, Rockstar CX

Achieve your goals, live your purpose

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